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July 22, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Mike Bufano, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Tom Bell and Buck Mann (Mann Properties). Bob Siskind called in at 8:35pm

Board Members Absent: James McDonald.

1. Reading and Approval of the 6/24/2009 Draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Lou Napoli and seconded by John Foulkes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Review of Financials: Mike Bufano reported the financials as listed below.

a. Checking $ 28,318

b. CD $ 532

c. Savings $ 0

d. Accounts Receivable

i. Regular Assessment $ 7,126
ii. Special Assessment $ 40,900

e. Loan Payable $ 15,000


a. Front Side Renovation Update.

i. Punch List – Joe reported that the punch list developed during the July 1, 2009 walk-through continues to grow. He commented that some unit owners identified issues that were not related to the front side renovation project, and Joe did not include those on the list. Joe gave the list to Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) who has been very responsive in correcting the items on the list. In the cases where Walt has visited a unit occupied by renters, he postponed any repairs so as to not to disturb the renters. Joe will post the punch list on the Casa Del Sol website. In addition, the owner of unit 660 sent Joe a list of items to be repaired, to include stating that the fire box was too close to the cubby door, preventing the door from opening completely. Joe replied that he has forwarded this fire box issue to Mann Properties for correction, as well as asking Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) to review the other items on the owner’s list.

ii. Over-Budget Items – Mike Bufano reported that the total over-budget amount for the front-side renovation project is $49,336.44, which equates to $865.55 per unit owner. At the Annual Meeting, Mike distributed a spreadsheet and discussed at some length the reason for the over-budget items. Since then, several more work orders were received which increased the over-budget amount to the amount stated above. Discussion ensued regarding options for payment by the owners. In order to cover some other shortfalls in the budget, a $900 per unit amount was discussed as a possible payment amount. Mike made a motion to issue a special assessment to the unit owners of $900 per unit, with 2 payment options: The entire amount payable by October 1, 2009, or 2 payments, each for $450, by October 1, 2009 and January 1, 2010. Payment coupons plus an explanation of the assessment will be mailed to each unit owner. The motion was seconded by Tom Bell, and passed unanimously.

In a related item, the owner of Unit 640 had petitioned the Board for reimbursement of 2 windows previously purchased, which were installed in the canal side of the unit and then subsequently removed at the owner’s request. After some discussion, the Board was unanimous in denying the claim, since the windows were already installed, and therefore used and not resellable. It was noted that other unit owners, such as the owner of Unit 642, who had planned to do similar installations decided before installing the windows; thus the windows in their cases are viewed as new and resellable.

b. Front Storage (“Cubby”) Doors Restoration Update.
Lou Napoli reported that all work for the cubby doors for the 600 and 700 building has been completed; work on the doors for the 770 building remains to be completed.

c. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. Joe stated that he asked Charles Kinelski (Beach Brothers) for an estimate to re-paint the windows approximately 2 weeks ago, and he is still waiting to hear back from Charles.

d. Existing Signage. Joe reported that the non-address signs (e.g., “Don’t Park Here”, “No Skateboarding”) that were taken down during the front-side renovation are being replaced by him. Moreover, address signs for the condominium will be purchased at a later date when the association is in a more stable financial situation.

d. Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings Degradation. Joe stated that due to the financial situation of the association, an effort to solicit some cost estimated should be made, but the association should defer soliciting proposals and executing repairs until a later date.


a. Parking Lot Repairs. The Board discussed the extent of these repairs, which includes only patching over the cracks, sealing the asphalt, and painting new parking space lines, as opposed to a complete replacement of the asphalt. However as with the case of the carport, it was agreed to go out and find some cost estimates but defer any action to solicit and execute work. Also discussed were the repairs that need to be made to the carport pilings as well as the pier pilings on the canal side, with the same agreement on collecting estimates but deferring action.

b. Rear common Decks. Same comment as above.

7. VIOLATIONS. Regarding the boat trailers parked in the parking area throughout an entire week at units 638 and 660, it was stated by several Board members that it usually acceptable for such storage for overnight, but not for any longer period. The Board asked Buck Mann (Mann Properties) to issue warning letters to the 2 unit owners. With regard to the bulk material left at the trash receptacles by the owner of unit 660, it was reported that the owner had called the town of Ocean City for pickup and that the pickup was scheduled for this week, with the owner covering the cost for the pickup.

8. ADJOURNMENT was at 9:12 pm.

9. NEXT CDS BOD MEETING – Wednesday, August 19, 2009, at 8:00pm by teleconference.